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Transformation: Starting with Original Blessing

We talk a lot in Enneagram circles about “transformation.” In fact, the whole goal of the Enneagram is to generate personal and collective transformation. The Narrative Enneagram’s basic mission states this well: “Transforming lives and creating a more compassionate world.”

Until we lock into the work of transformation, we are not taking the Enneagram seriously. And we miss out on the tremendous potential the Enneagram offers us.

We may find the Enneagram intriguing and fun to talk about at parties, but without transformation we are not doing real Enneagram work.

But what do we mean when we talk about the transformative work of the Enneagram?

Unfortunately, the word “transformation” often infers some sort of pathology. We are prone to buy into the common assumption that we are broken at our core, and we need to be fixed.

I, for one, get weary of constantly looking for where I am broken and need fixing.

It’s not very inspiring.

The process of transformation is rooted in different soil. Rather than the assertion of core brokenness, the Enneagram begins with our essence—wholeness, goodness, value and belonging.

From the faith tradition, we are imago dei, made in the image of the Divine. From the Judeo-Christian tradition, we begin with original blessing, God declaring that we are “very good.”

Unfortunately, too much of the Western Judeo-Christian theology starts with the curse of “original sin,” thanks, but no thanks, to Augustine’s influence.

Imago dei and blessing come first. It never leaves.

Transformation, then, is the natural outgrowth of our core essence of goodness and wholeness. Transformation is our development of becoming all that we were created to be. It's the process of leaning into the truest expression of our core nature and making it a reality in our lived experience.

It’s amazing to watch my grandchildren grow and develop. There is something in the human DNA that propels babies forward to master motor skills and speech. Children learn to turn over, crawl, walk and verbally communicate, not because they are damaged and deficient in their infant stage. Rather, advancement comes because there is something good and sacred in them that compels them to accomplish each developmental stage.

The Enneagram starts with our essence, our imago dei. It reminds us and provides insights into our true self. From this core, the Enneagram provides pathways for our growth and development.

This is the transformative work of the Enneagram.

Along the way, we recognize the false beliefs we’ve picked up that keep us from knowing and realizing our true self. The Enneagram supplies avenues to correct these self-defeating patterns and undo their impact, liberating us to live more authentic expression of our true self.

This, too, is the transformative work of the Enneagram.

In future blogs we’ll explore specifics of the developmental process. For now, let’s do away with the pathologizing of ourselves.

It matters from where we start.

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